This program is equiped with Cursor-Guide‚Ñ¢. As the mouse pointer is placed on an object on the screen, information about that object will appear here automatically.
REBUILD DIRECTORIES: click on this button to rebuild the file by file directories on disk for the current tape or WORM disk.
EJECT TAPE OR DISK: click on this button to eject the tape, WORM disk, or backup floppy.
VERIFY: click on this button to verify a tape, floppy, or backup file.
RETENSION: click on this button to retension a tape. This is recommended if the tape has not been used for awhile. It runs the tape all the way to the end and back. It is not needed for DAT or 8mm tapes.
VIEW DELAYED BACKUPS: click on this button in order to view the pending delayed backups and/or cancel them.Your Delayed Backup files in the System Folder will be listed. You can select each one to view or delete.
This is the backup utilities window. On this window you can do various functions to the backup media or to a backup file.
PRINT DIRECTORY: click on this button to in order to print out backup directories. If the backup media is a volume or tape, you will be prompted to select a file. Read tape option will print all directories on the tape.
HELP: click on this button to receive more information about this window.
ERASE/FORMAT: click on this button to erase the backup media. This is useful to format DC2000 tapes. Other types of tapes do not need this. 8mm tapes will just be marked as blank. WORM disks cannot be erased.
DONE: click on this button when you are done with this window.